Seoul. Holy Sh*t
What it do,
Sorry, this is going to be a long one. Okay, I just went through some insanity in the city of Seoul.
So Roger (a fellow American foreign teacher), his Korean girlfriend Rachel, and myself had to exit the carnage and inebriation that was being had at a welcoming dinner (for myself and one other newbie), and hopped on a train to Seoul at like 935pm on friday night. There was a big deal going on in Seoul called Soundday where you pay like 15,000 won and you automatically get in to a bunch of clubs where there is live music playing. Unfortunately we just got there too late and saw the last song of the last set. The night didnt end there though, it was far from over. After hanging out at the first place for an hour or so, we went to get a cheap hotel because Rogers girl wanted to throw the towel in. Upon her realizing that we were all going to share a room, she went crazy and insisted on me having my own room and paid for it herself. Interesting side note, upon unlocking my door, I must have turned too hard or the key was made out of tin foil because after unlocking it I broke it off inside the key slot. Pretty funny. So Roger and I hit the town and painted it red in major way: like 6 different club/bars, no covers, all free. Where else do you meet and hang out with Ukrainian models, (one was believable, one looked like the bride of frankenstein) but in Korea. However at all these clubs in Itawon (Eetaywon, section of Seoul) I got really weird vibes. It was still a blast. As we left the last club it was seriously getting light out, it must have been like 5 or 6am, and the night was made even more surreal by the fact that I didnt have a watch. I never knew what time it was. So me and my wingman decided to get one more sunrise beer from this place that unbeknownst to me had waitresses that also served double time in a less formidable line of work. Yes they were. So upon paying for one beer the one waitress/entertainer freaked out, lost mental control and got furiously upset with me looking for the right change in my wallet. I honestly dont know what happened or why, but she went nuts. Roger and I got out of there quicklike after we realized what they were, and also because it was just too weird. There was another foreigner coming in who I wasted no time in informing him of the freakin fruit bat inside. We make it like 20 feet up the street when I look over my shoulder to see the girl, we will name her Suzie, sprinting up the street after us screaming what could only be obscenities in Korean. She gets right up on me and seriously is trying to swat my head/facial area with an open palmed hand. My inner bruce lee came out and I was able to pretty much block every attempt from little suzie but omigosh was it freakin insane. She had no physical power whatsoever, it was like I was playing with a lifesized doll. It must have looked like a really terrible tango or something. Some korean guy broke it up and what was probably the funniest thing was that she made one last go at me by grabbing a bag of garbage and was stopped.....but I will always wonder just what she intended to do with it. Hopefully I will never have to fight off a waitress/saleswoman again. For those of you who think I am leaving a key detail (like dumping a bottle of beer on her head) out, I can assure you that I am not and her response was completely unprovoked and most likely due to a serious mental imbalance. Scouts honor. After that we went to bed and it was nice. We were ready to collapse because is it was around 6am, and we had been up all night. The next day was predictably hellish because we didnt make it out of our hotel rooms until like 2pm, and we were hungover all day. Our guide also experienced some navigation blunders getting us home from Seoul because it took us like 4 extra hours. Subways, trains, busses and boats.....I was ready to explode in an Arnold Schwarzenegger roid induced rage. I never thought I would be so happy to be in my little hole in the wall apartment. Alright I am done, and Im signing off. Peace