Pages of Euphoria
Monday, February 23, 2009
  Project Pat
It is pleasing to my eye to see things move in stages. Progression, maturation, metamorphosis. Artistically speaking that is. To watch something slowly take shape-whether it is a simple painting or a ceiling fresco requiring a ten story ladder and inhuman rendering skill-is fulfilling. It is even more rewarding to watch your own creations take shape.That is basically what I have been busying myself with doing since returning home from the Holy Land, little art projects here and there. In between interesting job interviews ranging from gold buying to food reviewing. But mostly buying old and eclectic photo frames from the Goodwill on Garnett avenue, and adding my own personal touch to them by altering the frame or the mat. This is all because I am now sitting on top of a photo cache that is just ridiculously large. So I have been printing out my favorite travel shots, and they need homes just like bums do. As in frames or photo albums though. This was my most recent project. Can you tell which trip it is commemorating? Think yamikas, hummus and M16s (Uzis no longer). I actually did not intend for the blue paint to come out the way it did. I thought it was going to be in a nice even spray, but in stead its application was more like thick and heavy stream, giving it a droplet effect. Innitially I was bit frazzled, but I just chose to go with it.

And just for the record I am not all arts & crafts, there is no poster of Boy George on my wall, and I don't snake my S's. For those of you are, I am cool with it in a platonic way. But I still revel in things of manliness like beer, and flatulence, worshiping the female curve and staying monogamous. My next project is underway, and it involves painting an image onto a circular saw blade. That has been turned into a clock. Zaney as all get out, just how I like it.
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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

I come from a small town north of Seattle, WA, where I learned that rain is a magical thing because it turns things green. I have had the chance to go a few places and see a few things of which all I have are pictures, memories and stories. I am currently living and learning about Los Angeles, California, and what it means to be an Angelino.

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